Oat Ball Delite

If you haven’t tried these delicious oatmeal balls, then you are missing out!! They are healthy, sweet, and give you ENERGY! Cut out the coffee and caffeine, and trade it in for one of these instead. Your body will thank you later! 


-1 cup of dried oatmeal

-1/2 cup dried coconut flakes

-2 tablespoons of chia seeds

-1/2 cup of dried flaxseed

-1/2 cup of chocolate chips

-1/2 cup of peanut butter

-1/3 cup of honey

Stir everything together in a bowl. Side note: these things are STICKY! You pretty much have to get into with your bare hands. Throw in some extra chocolate chips, and it’ll be worth it. 

Roll them into little balls as big or little as you’d like. Whatever tickles your fancy. Before eating, store in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes so they will harden a bit, then enjoy!

You can store in the fridge up to five days, or freeze them! I freeze mine in individual bags so they are easy to grab on the go for breakfast every morning!  Quite frankly, they are a pretty nice sweet treat at night while I am relaxing and watching tv! 

Trust me, they ARE as delicious as they look! I am looking forward to enjoying them over the 3 hour season finale of the Bachelorette tonight! Who wins?! Are they still together? Can’t wait to find out! 
Happy Monday!!
Love Always,

Alyson 😘

Fiesta Chicken Salad


My husband and I have a new favorite food, and it definitely isn’t what you think. Well, if you saw my above picture, then it was probably a spoiler alert. It’s a salad that will forever change your food palette. Yes, a salad. Here’s the recipe:

   Fiesta Chicken Salad


Grab one ear of corn per person.

Since it is just my husband & me eating, I gathered 2 ears.


Go ahead and slice the corn off the cob before cooking.

When the corn is hot it REALLY burns and makes it more like a Science Fair project.


Throw your corn into the pan with one tablespoon olive oil. Also, throw some salt and pepper in the mix.

Do not turn the heat on yet, there are other things to be processed first.


Gather a bunch of green onions (we like a lot).


Chop them bad boys up.


Grab a purple onion.


Slice it if you desire.

You may also dice it, but we like to slice it.


Go ahead and put your chicken on the stove (or grill).

Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the pan, then add the chicken.

Salt and pepper the chicken to your likings.

Grilling the chicken is a great idea, but if you have a cast iron skillet with the grill in it, then it’s just as delicious.

Once your chicken is turned on, then go ahead and turn the corn on High.


In the meantime, rinse and dry your lettuce.


Once your corn is browning, then it is time to remove from the heat.

We love when our corn is slightly brown..it gives it a whole new flavor.


When your chicken is fully cooked (about 10 minutes on each side) remove from heat.

Chop into strips or cubes.


Assemble your salad with the chicken, corn, purple and green onion.

Add cheese (we use pepperjack for a nice kick).

Add salsa ranch (1 tablespoon salsa per 1/4 cup ranch).